In order to get to a healthier and more productive place, we need to give up our fear of conflict, turmoil and resistance.
- John Gottman
Relationships can be one of the most rewarding, albeit challenging aspects of our lives. While they often begin with fun and excitement, over time issues commonly arise. It can be difficult to know for certain if it is time to see a professional counselor for relationship concerns. Perhaps you and your partner are having small disagreements and these disagreements begin to escalate quickly into more personal and hurtful arguments. Or perhaps the relationship feels stale with an absence of growth for one or both partners. Sometimes there are bigger problems, such as infidelity, sexual concerns, money issues, or coping with the problematic behavior of children and/or extended family members. When these scenarios occur, the relationship might benefit from counseling with a professional relationship therapist.
Beginning a process of couples counseling can be intimidating, but in reality, the rewards of this process often occur more quickly than those of individual work. Since this process involves two partners working towards mutually developed goals, the possibility of change and growth is multiplied. We work with couples and relationships that have concerns about communication issues, intimacy, parenting, personal finances, and couples’ life transitions.
Common Topics:
Communication: Build skills and techniques that enhance your ability to communicate effectively about the most important and emotionally reactive parts of your relationship.
Re-Occurring Problems: Do you feel like you juts can't solve an issue, then move on the next one productively? We will help you effectively work through problems so that they are actually resolved and do not keep popping back up.
Support: Learn how to support each other’s needs while at the same time meeting your own.
Transitions: Gain extra support during a stressful transition, whether it is becoming a new parent, losing a job or remodeling a home.
If one person is uncertain about counseling, please feel free to contact me for suggestions on how you can get the process of change and/or growth started for yourself whether or not your loved on is ready to change yet.